We are very glad to announce the publication of the accepted works on IAPS Conference Porto 2012!
The Proceedings Book will be published prior to the conference in a Supplement issue of the Portuguese Journal of Sport Sciences (indexed in Scielo, Latindex, and Sportdiscus).
The deadline for submission is 9th July 2012 and authors should send their papers to the following e-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .
General publishing rules
By submitting a paper, authors guarantee that they have not submitted and will not submit a similar paper for publication elsewhere in any language.
Articles accepted for publication become the property of Faculty of Sport from University of Porto and may not be published elsewhere in the same form without the written consent of the Journal Director.
The journal subscribes to recommendations formulated by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors [Ann Intern Med (1988) 108:258-265] regarding criteria for authorship. Accordingly, each person listed as an author or coauthor for a submitted manuscript must meet all three of the following criteria:
1. Conceived, planned, and performed the work leading to the report, or interpreted the evidence presented, or both.
2. Written the report or reviewed successive versions and shared in their revisions.
3. Approved the final version.
Meeting these criteria should provide each author with sufficient knowledge of and participation in the work that he or she can accept public responsibility for the report. The senior or corresponding author is requested to certify that all listed authors meet the above three criteria.
Manuscript preparation
All manuscripts must be written, alternatively, in English, Portuguese or Spanish. Authors who are not fluent in any of these languages must seek the assistance of a colleague or specialist who is a native speaker and is familiar with the field of the work.
The manuscripts have to be written and submitted in a Microsoft Word file (*.doc or *.docx). All manuscripts are to be typed in A4 format, with margins of 2 cm, using the font Times New Roman, size 12 (references size 8), with 1,5 space between lines.
Size and style
The articles should have no more than 8 pages in length (including references).
• Pages are to be numbered sequentially, with the title page as nº1.
• Papers are to be written in a very precise and clear language.
• If manuscripts are poorly written the Editor immediately rejects them.
• All abbreviations are to be used according to international rules of the specific field.
Title page and Abstract page
Title and Abstract page has to contain the following information:
• Brief and highly informative title. For papers in English, the title should appear in English only. For papers in Portuguese or Spanish, the title should appear in both languages: Portuguese and English or Spanish and English, respectively.
• Running head with no more than 80 characters (with spaces).
• Authors names and affiliations;
• Abstracts should be presented. For papers in English, the abstract should appear in English only. For papers in Portuguese or Spanish, the abstract should appear in both languages: Portuguese and English or Spanish and English, respectively.
• The abstract has to be very precise and contain no more than 250 words, including objectives, main arguments, discussion and conclusions.
• Include 3 to 6 key words
• Please avoid abbreviations
All articles should have a structure with Introduction, Article Development, Final Considerations, Acknowledgements (Any type of support should be mentioned), and References.
Cited references are to be numbered in the text within normal parenthesis, and alphabetically and numerically listed in the references section.
Journals´ names are to be cited according to general abbreviations (ex: Index Medicus).
• Please write the names of all authors (do not use et al.)
• Only published or "in press" papers should be cited.
• The citation of a high number of abstracts or non peer-reviewed papers may cause the rejection of the manuscript
- Article
Pincivero DM, Lephart SM, Karunakara RA (1998). Reliability and precision of isokinetic strength and muscular endurance for the quadriceps and hamstrings. Int J Sports Med, 18 (2): 113-117
- Complete book
Hudlicka O, Tyler KR (1996). Angiogenesis. The growth of the vascular system. London: Academic Press Inc. Ltd.
- Book chapter
Balon TW (1999). Integrative biology of nitric oxide and exercise. In: Holloszy JO (ed.), Exercise and Sport Science Reviews, vol. 27, Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 219-254
Figures and illustrations should be used only for a better understanding of the main text. Each Figure must be presented in a separated sheet with a short and precise title. All Figures and illustrations should have excellent graphic quality in black and white. Avoid photos from equipments and human subjects.
• Use sequence Arabic numbers for all Figures.
• Each figure must be presented in a separated sheet (use page break after the references sheet) with a short and precise title.
• All Figures and illustrations should have excellent graphic quality (TIFF format with a 1000 dpi allowing better reproduction and size manipulation is advised), presented in black and white or gray scale, without filled colored backgroud. In order to garantee a better reliability in reproduction font types like Arial, Helvetica, Courier, Symbol or Times, should be used.
Avoid photos from equipments and human subjects.
Tables should be used to present relevant numerical data information.
• Each table should have a very precise and short title.
• Tables should be presented within the same rules as Figures.
Tables´ footnotes should be used only to describe abbreviations used.